This Website!

Github Link My philosophy of what makes a good website: I have always been fascinated with how people use the programs that they do on a daily basis. As a technophile who likes to use programs which both look nice and function well I first considered going into website design when entering college. Website design was my original ambitions until I took some more advanced classes and noticed that it was not the actual user interface but the streamlining of workflows which actually interested me....

February 23, 2024

DuPage Paws for People Website

How the Project Works For many years Depaul has offered an internship in the form of a class for IT and CS students. This year there were four different clients that DePaul professor Michael Chase had brought to the program with various projects. The students are supposed to submit a ranked choice of all of the different clients the week before the class starts. My first choice was DuPage Paws for People because of both the large scope of the project and because it would mean I would get to work with a non-profit doing charitable work....

February 22, 2024


GoDex and Object Oriented Programming Using UIKit GoDex is an app used to track the The first GoDex was the final project for my iOS app development 1 class which covered programming using UIKit and storyboards. GoDex was also my first large programming project which was made significantly easier by also taking the object oriented programming class at the same time. I already had knowledge of data structures and certain important algorithms but the knolwledge of how to put everything I had learned already into one big project was invaluable....

February 22, 2024